Friday 13 May 2011

Creating Textures in Photoshop

I have tried out different rendering and filter tools to create textures which can be used for our building in Secondlife.  This texture has been made with lighting effects from rendering.

This is an example of the offset filter having been used.  The offset filter can be used to create flooring or concrete material eg. wooden floorboards.  Offsetting the image a few times will create a better effect for flooring and after each offset, it is better to reconnect all the lines(if lines are used in the image).

Using an alpha channel can create a texture to be used in Secondlife, eg. mesh cover or balustrade so you can see through the material however the texture is not transparent.

Alpha Channel- . The alpha channel is really a mask - it specifies how the pixel's colors should be merged with another pixel when the two are overlaid, one on top of the other.  

Additive Colour- It is all about the world of light.  Putting light to a surface increases brightness.  The more layers there are, the brighter it becomes.  

Subtractive Colour - Paints/natural colourants mixed to create a full range of colours.  The more layers there are, the darker it becomes.  

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