Wednesday 18 May 2011


Scripting can be very difficult to make so there are a few links which are useful which create scripts which u can copy and paste into Secondlife. 

Or you can go to the Particle Lab in the Teal Region up the hot air balloon and you can copy scripts from there.

External Website on Secondlife

On Secondlife you can create an external website where the avatars can browse through a page you have set up.
Click [Texture] and at the very bottom right hand corner 'Media' click [+] and this will allow you to paste a webpage which can be browsed through on a prim.  It is recommended to select one face on the prim you have chosen otherwise it will appear on all sides.

First Script In Secondlife

I have downloaded Scratch4Sl, the software which helps create a script which i can use for my objects in Secondlife.

In order to apply this script to an object in Secondlife [Copy Linden Script].
In the Build Task Bar, Click [Content] - [New Script].  Click on [New Script] and delete the existing script and paste the script which has been copied from Scratc4Sl.  Click [Save] and the script will work for the object you have selected.  

My Blog on Secondlife

Following the same as instructions as in the previous post, I have uploaded my blog onto my library on Secondlife so that other people can view my blog. I have uploaded my blog onto a transperant prim on the top floor of my virtual library.

Friday 13 May 2011

Creating Textures in Photoshop

I have tried out different rendering and filter tools to create textures which can be used for our building in Secondlife.  This texture has been made with lighting effects from rendering.

This is an example of the offset filter having been used.  The offset filter can be used to create flooring or concrete material eg. wooden floorboards.  Offsetting the image a few times will create a better effect for flooring and after each offset, it is better to reconnect all the lines(if lines are used in the image).

Using an alpha channel can create a texture to be used in Secondlife, eg. mesh cover or balustrade so you can see through the material however the texture is not transparent.

Alpha Channel- . The alpha channel is really a mask - it specifies how the pixel's colors should be merged with another pixel when the two are overlaid, one on top of the other.  

Additive Colour- It is all about the world of light.  Putting light to a surface increases brightness.  The more layers there are, the brighter it becomes.  

Subtractive Colour - Paints/natural colourants mixed to create a full range of colours.  The more layers there are, the darker it becomes.  

Sunday 1 May 2011


AV Proyectos- Dedicated to essentially projects with special attention to construction details
Lighting Design and Application- Improving the practise of lighting.  Includes articles of design projects with improvements of implementation of lighting.
Architectural Record- Source for architecture design, modern architecture, and green architecture from McGraw Hill Construction.

Last Years Blogs from ARCHDRC102